Fill out a detailed questionnaire on current eating habits, lifestyle, and YOUR SPECIFIC goals to receive personalized macronutrient recommendation and a guide on how to use My Fitness Pal! Service doesn’t include weekly coaching but you can reach out to me for new macros anytime you feel you need an adjustment!

What's Included:
-Personalized Macronutrient Recommendation 
-Recommendations for Meal Macro Splits to keep you fueled
-"Macros Explained" & "How To Track & Use My Fitness Pal" Guides

Discover proper balance with food and using it as fuel to better your health and reach your fitness goals through a Personalized Macronutrient Recommendation! Recommendations are made by assessing your current and past nutrition in depth and then adjusting your macronutrient intake to best achieve your goals! 

What's different by having me give you a recommendation vs you using an online calculator? While I will use a calculation for your calorie needs based on your goal like a calculator, I will look at your macro needs based on your goals and lifestyle and also nutrient timing specifics based on YOU as a person! Because I know you're not a robot but a person that needs macros to work for them, their lifestyle, and goals! Online calculators can easily spit out that 1200 calories & a 30/40/30 macro split is ideal for everyone but it's not! You will also receive my "Macros Explained" & "How To Track & Use My Fitness Pal" Guides to help you with your Macro Journey!

Are you interested in moving forward with getting your own custom macros to help you reach your fitness and health goals?! Then purchase this Macro Calculation! Once purchased you will be able to download a questionnaire for you to fill out which will tell me all the information I need to give create a program that will help you reach your goals! Once I receive and review your questionnaire I will reach out to you with any questions before creating your program and you will receive your program within 7-14 days of submitting the fully filled out questionnaire.

*Must be at least 18 years old to purchase.

Please feel free to contact me ahead of time if you have any questions at [email protected]

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